Good documentation is essential for users to fully understand any
software. Several PEAR packages lack documentation or have docs which
need improvement. Writing documentation
provides more information about helping out on this front.
Translating documentation is another important task.
Not only does new documentation need to be translated
into the existing languages, additional languages are
welcome. Also, existing translations need to be brought
up to date because the English versions have been changed.
Help on how to perform the translation process is in the Revision Tracking
section of the manual.
Some of the PEAR developers have wishlists at Amazon or a similar
service. If you appreciate the work of a certain developer, feel
free to buy something for her from her wishlist. To find out if
a developer has one of those wishlists, go to the
account browser,
look for the details of the developer and there you'll see if she
has a wishlist. Buying something from people's wishlists may even
speed up the time in which annoying bugs are fixed ;-).