
	dojo, dijit, and dojox must always be the first three, and in that order.
	djConfig.scopeMap = [
		["dojo", "fojo"],
		["dijit", "fijit"],
		["dojox", "fojox"]

	/**Build will replace this comment with a scoped djConfig **/

	//The null below can be relaced by a build-time value used instead of djConfig.scopeMap.
	var sMap = null;

	//See if new scopes need to be defined.
	if((sMap || (typeof djConfig != "undefined" && djConfig.scopeMap)) && (typeof window != "undefined")){
		var scopeDef = "", scopePrefix = "", scopeSuffix = "", scopeMap = {}, scopeMapRev = {};
		sMap = sMap || djConfig.scopeMap;
		for(var i = 0; i < sMap.length; i++){
			//Make local variables, then global variables that use the locals.
			var newScope = sMap[i];
			scopeDef += "var " + newScope[0] + " = {}; " + newScope[1] + " = " + newScope[0] + ";" + newScope[1] + "._scopeName = '" + newScope[1] + "';";
			scopePrefix += (i == 0 ? "" : ",") + newScope[0];
			scopeSuffix += (i == 0 ? "" : ",") + newScope[1];
			scopeMap[newScope[0]] = newScope[1];
			scopeMapRev[newScope[1]] = newScope[0];

		eval(scopeDef + "dojo._scopeArgs = [" + scopeSuffix + "];");

		dojo._scopePrefixArgs = scopePrefix;
		dojo._scopePrefix = "(function(" + scopePrefix + "){";
		dojo._scopeSuffix = "})(" + scopeSuffix + ")";
		dojo._scopeMap = scopeMap;
		dojo._scopeMapRev = scopeMapRev;